World Tourism Day 2020 - 27th September 2020

Statement from Fergus Ewing MSP for World Tourism Day 2020 - 27 September 2020
Today, on World Tourism Day 2020, Scotland joins the rest of the world in recognising tourism as a positive force for our businesses, the communities they support, and our environment.
Scotland has long recognised the value of tourism and events, both from the economic impact of the sectors and how they can help sustain and ultimately develop community capacity - often in some of our most remote, rural and vulnerable communities. Our National Performance Framework (NPF) already embraces the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals and delivering wellbeing to the people of Scotland through sustainable and inclusive growth, and it remains at the heart of the Scottish Government’s approach to the economy.
The impact COVID-19 has had on all our communities means we continue working in partnership to build a sustainable recovery. We also recognise the role that the tourism and events sectors play in building community capacity, preserving our cultural and natural heritage and helping individual wellbeing.
Scotland led the world in becoming one of the first nations to declare a global climate emergency in April 2019. Now, more than ever, we recognise that the need to take meaningful, transformative action to tackle climate change is more urgent than ever before. We want Scotland to pursue a green path out of this pandemic, in all our industries, including tourism and events.
Scotland has outstanding natural assets, which are at the heart of our tourism offer, our global brand and who we are as a nation. They also represent a resource for the mental and physical health of everyone, right across Scotland, as well as providing a significant comparative advantage for our tourism and events industries.
We recognise that continuing to invest in our natural capital and nature-based solutions will drive inclusive economic development and can be the most cost-effective way of generating economic activity that will make our communities sustainable and more resilient. Now is the time to step up our fight both for the protection of our planet and to create a cleaner, healthier, safer and fairer Scotland for everyone in it and for generations to come.
Whilst COVID-19 has currently caused disruption to our businesses and planned programme of events during 2020, we look forward to welcoming you back to experience and enjoy all that Scotland has to offer.
We want to share our beautiful country with everyone safely, encouraging responsible engagement and inclusive participation - from both the people of Scotland and our visitors from across the world.
Fergus Ewing MSP