Want to set up a low carbon or active travel transport hub?

Transport Scotland are keen to hear from groups and organisations interested in setting up active travel or low carbon transport hubs.
Transport Scotland has been awarded up to £25m under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020 programme to deliver a Strategic Intervention.
They have been allocated ERDF funding of up to £13.9m until the end of 2018. As lead partner, they aim to deliver a Low Carbon Travel and Transport programme (LCTT) which consists of the following three operations:
- Active Travel Hubs - active travel hubs will provide focal points for cycling and walking routes. The specifics of each Hub will be tailored to the location and based upon need but will typically include bike library initiatives/bike hire, safe and secure facilities for personal bikes, bike repair/maintenance facilities, improved links to public transport, local path networks, travel information and associated outreach activity
- Low Carbon Transport Hubs - these will provide refuelling facilities for a range of alternative fuels and transport modes. They envisage that the locations and composition of these hubs will be determined by local circumstances and demand but typically are likely to include a mixture of low carbon vehicle refuelling infrastructure, such as electric vehicle charging points, hydrogen refuelling stations and gas refuelling facilities
- National Smart Integrated Ticketing Scheme - the aim is to create a strategic and holistic approach to a National Smart Transport Card system acting as a catalyst for increased public transport use, reducing emissions and congestion from road transport as a result
Transport Scotland are keen to discuss ideas at an early stage with local authorities, the wider public sector, third and community sector groups who may be interested in setting up active travel or low carbon transport hubs and who may be interested in bidding for ERDF support.
Capital funding will be available to support hub projects across Scotland with a minimum of total project costs of £500,000.
For more information read Transport Scotland's frequently asked questions on the LCTT programme.
Low Carbon Travel and Transport Hubs ERDF 2014 - 2020 sets out current thinking about the fund, the European Structural Funds parameters and their outline timescales.
If you are interested, send an outline of your project proposal and your contact details by email to lctt.prog@transport.gov.scot.
Further information on this and all Strategic Interventions being supported under the ERDF 2014 - 20 programme can be found on the Scottish Government website