Tyne Esk LEADER launches programme

The Tyne Esk LEADER Programme was formally launched at twin events - the Haddington Show on the 2 July and the Dalkeith Show on 9 July 2016.
Both events were well attended by, primarily, famers and families and the Tyne Esk LEADER stall was kept busy answering questions and entertaining children. LEADER LAG members as well as the staff team were on hand at the stall throughout the two days.
Just after lunch time on 2 July in Haddington the programme was officially launched by Tyne Esk LAG Vice Chair Anne Hastie and on 9 July in Dalkeith with a speech from Tyne Esk’s Chair Andrew McDonald. Both highlighted the strengths of the LEADER approach, why they were drawn to LEADER and what a difference £3.49m will make to the rural area.
Case studies of previous success stories had been prepared for the launch event:
Tyne Esk LEADER covers an area including both East Lothian and Midlothian except for Musselburgh and Dalkeith. Tyne Esk LEADER has been allocated £3.49m for projects and has ring-fenced budgets for cooperation projects, farm diversification projects and for rural enterprise projects.
If you’d like to know more about the Tyne Esk LEADER Programme then you can find more at the Tyne Esk LEADER website or you can email the staff team at either neil.ramsay@midlothian.gov.uk or angela.lamont@midlothian.gov.uk.
If you have an idea for a LEADER project then the first step is to fill out an Expression of Interest form.