Town Centre Communities Capital Fund launches

Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil has announced £1.7 million of funding to help revitalise and regenerate town centres across Scotland.
The Town Centre Communities Capital Fund is available to support enterprising, community-led projects which help to deliver town centre regeneration priorities in a local area.
Mr Neil said:
"Scotland’s town centres need to be fit for the 21st century, offering a diverse range of businesses, services and activities that meet local demand. There are already a few examples of communities getting involved in their town centres, introducing innovation and helping to reclaim them as vibrant social spaces.
"The Scottish Government recognises that people across Scotland are interested in the future of their town centres. This £1.7 million through the Town Centre Communities Capital Fund is intended to support enterprising communities with project proposals that complement our Town Centre Action Plan.
"By enabling and supporting enterprising community organisations to take action, we can help make town centres attractive and accessible places that are the thriving civic spaces we know they can be."
Community organisations are invited to bid for pots of between £20,000 and £150,000 capital funding to support projects which are in line with the key themes set out in Scotland’s Town Centre Action Plan.
The Scottish Government is keen to see communities step forward with their ideas.
Find out more about the fund on the Scottish Government website.
The deadline for applications is midnight, 29 September.