Tackling Flooding Risks

The Scottish Government have published examples of diverse initiatives around Scotland that are in some way contributing to our flood resilience.
Around Scotland there are many initiatives underway contributing to flood resilience - from small scale community led initiatives to national actions led by the responsible authorities.
The delivery of these actions often involves partners working together to achieve a shared vision about how they can reduce flood risk and improve their local environment.
The Scottish Government put a call out to flood resilience partners for case studies to include in the Flood Resilience Strategy. This document brings together examples of those submitted and showcases the diversity of the initiatives around Scotland that are in some way contributing to our flood resilience.
The case studies cover three themes: people, places and processes with 12 case studies in total. Additionally, partners provided multiple further examples of initiatives which are contributing to flood resilience.
Gillian Martin MSP, Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy said:
“Reducing the impacts of flooding is as much about the design of our places as it is about the design of our flood actions.
“To be flood resilient we must adapt our places to our future climate. This means that many of our towns and cities and rural landscapes will look quite different in future. We will see more space being made for water along our rivers and at the coast, fewer properties on the flooding front-line and more blue and green infrastructure and natural flood management actions being used to manage water in urban and rural settings.”
You can access the case studies here
If you are concerned about the risk of flooding effecting you can register with SEPA’s Floodline service.
SEPA can provide two different types of warning messages depending on your property location. When you enter your postcode or location, the system will check and confirm which warning service is available for your area.
If your property is within an area covered by a SEPA flood monitoring system, you will be able to sign up to receive a targeted Flood Warning message for your local area.
If your property is not within a Warning area, you can sign up to receive a more general Flood Alert message for the wider geographical area, usually representing Local Authority boundaries.
Image provided by Dumfries and Galloway Council.