Survey of Gaelic visual arts

Engage Scotland and the Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS) are pleased to be working in partnership to gather information from visual artists working in a participatory Gaelic language and/or culture context in Scotland.
They have launched a survey to capture views and experiences, with the collated information being used to help inform future development in Gaelic visual arts, including by profiling artists' work and assisting prospects for new work opportunities by building relationships between venues, funders, and artists.
The partnership between CHARTS and Engage Scotland has been made possible with the support from the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
Engage Scotland and CHARTS are actively encouraging people to share details of the survey through social media and through their networks in order to reach as many people as possible.
You can find the survey online at the following link : ual-artists-in-scotland/
The deadline is midnight 31 January 2025.
Image credit: Feàrna part of CHARTS Coastal Cultures Island Residencies. Credit Sarah Darling