Success for Portpatrick Harbour community shares

Portpatrick Harbour's community share offer has got off to a fantastic start with over 100 investors coming forward on the first day.
The harbour is set to be the first community-owned harbour in Scotland, funded through community shares. The Portpatrick Harbour Community Benefit Society aims to raise £75,000 through the community share offer.
You can now become an owner of the harbour for a minimum investment of £25, with shareholders from the local area and further afield welcome.
Calum Currie chair of Portpatrick Community Benefit Society said:
"We knew there was a good strong interest out there from local people, regular visitors, sailors, maritime communities and expats keen to invest in our community share offer, but this has been a sprint start with over 100 investors coming forward on day one. We have already reached 37% of our target and are extremely heartened by this remarkable support."
Community Shares refers to the sale of shares in enterprises serving a community purpose. Community shareholders invest in local enterprises providing goods and services that meet local needs and, in turn, the enterprise is controlled and governed by the community it serves.
Kelly McIntyre, Programme Manager for Community Shares Scotland said:
"This is a real landmark community share offer being a first all-round for Scotland with Portpatrick being the first Scottish charitable Community Benefit Society to launch a community share offer for a harbour."
"This takes community ownership to a whole new level and we have already seen amazing amount of interest in potential shares locally and also from across the globe. It is a testament to the enthusiasm of the Portpatrick team which we hope will inspire many other community projects throughout Scotland to move forward apace."
And welcoming the Portpatrick initiative, Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi said:
"The Portpatrick community is taking an innovative approach to modernising the local area, and I wish them the best of luck with their community shares scheme. This shows how a community can take control of its own future by playing a direct role in contributing to local assets, and providing employment and leisure opportunities.
"Our Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act provides communities with more rights to take over abandoned private land in both urban and rural areas, giving them opportunities to transform areas that have previously been neglected."
The Portpatrick Harbour community share offer will run until 31 October 2015, or when the maximum target is reached.
Visit the Portpatrick Harbour website or the Microgenius website to find out more about the community share offer.
For more information on community shares go to the Community Shares Scotland website.