Second Scotland Loves Local week launches

Scotland Loves Local week logo
Alan Robertson

This week sees the second Scotland Loves Local (SLL) week take place across Scotland, which promotes putting localism at the heart of a stronger, greener, fairer Scotland.

The week, organised by Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), will highlight the tremendous difference that choosing local means for the future of communities.

And it provides a great opportunity for communities to showcase the work taking place in their community to make it stronger, more sustainable and more successful.

The campaign is intended to be a galvanising force for good, bringing the businesses, community organisations, politicians and the public to collaboratively create better places in which to live, work and visit.

STP believe that true economic and environmental sustainability lies in our local communities and that Scotland Loves Local is the beating heart of positive change – bringing together the people, businesses, and community representatives who can build a better future.

STP is Scotland’s national towns’ collective; representing and promoting the diversity of Scotland’s towns and places and supporting those organisations and groups that have an interest in or ownership of them.

Organisations such as the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are fully supportive of the SLL campaign and have encouraged their memberships to take part in this week’s events.

The STP website acts as a hub to support Scottish towns, providing relevant news and resources, sharing knowledge and good practice to support learning and communities.  Through their events, they influence and share policies that impact towns and raise the profile of Scottish towns.

The organisation advocates for progress on Scotland’s Town Centre Action Plan and through the Cross-Party Group on Towns and Town Centres.

STP is also responsible for Scotland’s Improvement Districts, which fosters the development and continued success of Improvement Districts across Scotland.

You can find links to the SLL and STP websites below.

Home - Scotland’s Town Centre Recovery Campaign - Home of the Scotland Loves Local campaign. (

Scotland's Towns Partnership (