Scottish Youth Parliament Elections 2023

The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people. Around 160 young people aged 14 – 25 are elected every two years to represent every part of Scotland and campaign for positive change. The next SYP elections will take place in November 2023, and applications are now open!
If you, or someone you know, lives in Scotland and will be aged between 14 and 25 on Sunday 19th November 2023,you or they are eligible to stand in the next SYP elections. You can find out more about how to stand as a candidate in the election, what the process involves and the role of an MSYP below.
SYP is the democratic voice of Scotland’s young people. Our vision for Scotland is of a nation that actively listens to and values the meaningful participation of its young people. Our goal is to make this vision a reality, in order to ensure young people in Scotland grow up loved, safe and respected, and able to realise their full potential. SYP’s mission is to provide a national platform for young people to discuss the issues that are important to them, and campaign for changes to the nation that they live in. We support our members in their work by training them, supporting their personal development and empowering them, using a youth work ethos.
MSYPs listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people in every community across the country and ensure that decision-makers listen to their voices. MSYPs have a crucial role to play in Scottish public life, from representing young people, to making sure decision makers uphold your rights, to running impactful campaigns. MSYPs meet online and in person throughout the year, and being an MSYP is a great way to develop skills and confidence as a leader, an activist, and a change-maker. As an MSYP, you will be part of a community of young people who support each other across Scotland and who are passionate about making sure young people are listened to by the people who make decisions about our lives.
To find out more click here