Scottish Rural and Island Community Pubs Small Grant Fund

Scottish Community Pubs Small Grant Fund
Roderick Low

Plunkett UK is offering a limited number of small development grants of up to £2,000 to community groups in rural Scotland looking to bring their pub/hotel into community ownership.

These grants are intended to help with early stage costs such as Plunkett UK membership, model rules and registation, asset valuation or community engagement activity. Scottish Rural Network (SRN) are funding Plunkett UK to deliver this programme of work which buildings capacity of community groups and offers peer to peer learning and sharing of good practice. 

Eligablile groups include:

  • Early stage community groups intending to bring their local pub/hotel into democratic community ownership.
  • Groups intending to become a wide-membership legal model and be composed of people from the community, for the benefit of the community.

Over this financial year (2024-25) we are providing funding to the Plunkett UK, working with delivery partners, to support the growing community pubs network in Scotland. Along with the small development grants, Plunkett UK will deliver a series of free training events, expert advice and networking activities designed to support these groups with everything from community engagement to business planning, governance and the practicalities of running a pub. This builds on the work initiated and funded in 2021-23.

Eligablile groups include:

  • Early stage community groups intending to bring their local pub/hotel into democratic community ownership.
  • Groups intending to become a wide-membership legal model and be composed of people from the community, for the benefit of the community.

To apply for the funding follow the link: Scottish Community Pubs Small Grant Fund - Funding Scotland