Scottish Government survey - Developing a natural capital market framework

Mixed Terrain - Natural Capital - Image of hills and loch - Nature Scot
Roderick Low

The Scottish Government has launched a survey: 'Developing a natural capital market framework: survey' to support development of a market framework. 

Natural capital is our geology, soil, air, water, plants and animals and we depend on it for goods and services that make our lives possible and worthwhile.

Public and private investment will be needed to restore and improve our natural capital and the Scottish Government are committed to ensuring that this investment is responsible; that it contributes to a just transition, benefits communities and achieves robust environmental outcomes.

The development of a Natural Capital Markets Framework will strengthen existing Interim Principles for Responsible Investment in Natural Capital and set out the government's approach to using public spending more effectively to leverage in responsible private capital.

Scottish Government are using the ‘Scottish Approach to Service Design’ to develop the market framework. This process includes:

  • discovery phase – to identify key areas of debate (complete);
  • engagement phase – to discuss key issues with interested participants; (current); and
  • validation phase – to sense check early drafts of the market framework ahead of publication (summer).

The survey seeks views from the public and stakeholders to help inform the development of the framework. To support people take part in the survey an engagement paper summarises the key market development issues. You may find it useful to read or refer to when considering your response. 

Please note that while Scottish Government value your input, this survey does not constitute a formal consultation, and individual responses will remain confidential and will not be published.

Scottish Government are extending the opportunity for those who are unable to participate in the ongoing Market Framework development workshop to contribute their views. The closing date of this survey has been extended from 3 June 2024 to 12 July 2024.

You can access the survey here 

You can access the consultation paper here