Response to Land-based learning review

Land-based learning review
Alan Robertson

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon has commented on publication of the land-based learning review Implementation Plan setting out how Scottish Government will respond to the 22 recommendations in the Review.

The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

Ms Gougeon said:

“We asked the Commission for the land-based learning review to set out recommendations on how to attract and equip more people, particularly women and young people, with the skills and knowledge needed to work in land-based and aquaculture sectors. The Scottish Government has accepted or accepted ‘in principle’ all recommendations and this plan outlines how we are taking that work forward.

“Responding to these recommendations will support our rural, island and coastal economy by helping to create employment opportunities in our land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation sectors.  We would like to thank the Commission again for their contribution to this work and expect to share details of our progress, sharing best practice and lessons learned working with stakeholders, in spring 2025.”

The report from the Commission for the land-based learning review was published in January 2023 and is available to view at Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers - (

The Commission sought to review learning in Scotland’s land-based and aquaculture sectors - from early years to adulthood in order to provide independent, evidence-based advice to Scottish Ministers.

The aim of the work is to help deliver a just transition to net-zero, by ensuring the learning system equips people with the skills and knowledge they require and that the workforce is sufficient.

Further background reading: Scottish Government-response-report-independent-commission-land-based-learning-review-implementation-plan