Preparing for the future of agricultural support

Agricultural support in Scotland is changing. From 2025, new conditionality will start to be introduced to agricultural payments, targeted towards biodiversity gain and a drive to low carbon approaches.
To help support farmers, crofter and land managers, Scottish Government have produced a range of information sheets to help farmers and crofters prepare for these changes, to identify recommendations that can lower emissions and increase efficiencies.
The information sheets cover soil sampling, carbon audits and animal health and welfare.
To help keep farmers, crofters and land managers informed Scottish Government officials representing the programme are visiting agricultural shows, marts and area offices across Scotland this summer, to share information and answer questions about agricultural reform in Scotland. An information sheet detailing a full list of these events is also available.
You can download the information sheets below:
What’s new from 2025
- Existing Cross Compliance requirements will be maintained as a minimum and new protections for Peatlands and Wetlands will be introduced as a new condition from 2025.
- The foundations of a Whole Farm Plan will be introduced in 2025 including soil testing, animal health and welfare declaration, carbon audits, biodiversity audits and supported business planning.
- New conditions will be introduced to the Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme in 2025.
Preparing for change
There are things you can do now to start preparing for change with Preparing for Sustainable Farming support:
- Financial support for land managers (arable land & improved grassland) to claim support towards the cost of soil analysis
- £500 towards having a Carbon Audit performed for your business if you do not have one already, or where the current Carbon Audit is more than 3 years old.
- Up to a maximum of £1,250 over two years to deliver a list of animal health and welfare measures
- Access to herd data for cattle keepers through MyHerdStats to provide consistent and accurate insight into herd performance