Planning Aid Scotland are looking for expressions of interest from communities!

Planning Aid Scotland are looking for expressions of interest from communities!

Rural path - walkers out in the countryside
Roderick Low

Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) are looking for expressions of interest from communities who want to create a Local Walking Action Plan.

This initiative is part of their Sustaining Choices programme, supported by the Paths for All Smarter Choices Smarter Places fund, which has worked with communities over the last three years on a variety of active and sustainable travel action plans.

Through creative initiatives, PAS aims explore how to enhance walking experiences in local areas, involving residents every step of the way, while also offering training opportunities, empowering communities to actively participate in the engagement process and shape their own futures.

Sustaining Choices is now looking for communities to take part in this next stage of the project, with engagement starting around September 2024. Planning Aid Scotland will provide the support, guidance, and expertise every step of the way, from project management to data analysis and beyond.

At the end of the process, each community will have their own local walking action plan, including ideas for community-generated interventions.

Any interested Community Councils can submit an expression of interest via the Planning Aid Scotland website. The deadline for submissions is 29 May 2024.

Image Credit: Community Councils Scotland (managed by the Improvement Service on behalf of Scottish Government)