Papers from Areas facing Natural Constraint event available

An event report, presentations and papers from a workshop on the development of the new Areas facing Natural Constraint scheme are now available online.
The European Commission require that a new Areas facing Natural Constraint (ANC) land designation and scheme be in place by 2018. This will replace the current Less Favoured Area Support Scheme.
A workshop was held in Edinburgh on 16 June 2016 for stakeholders to consider options for the different proposed approaches for the ANC scheme design and designation and to provide feedback to Scottish Government officials.
Around thirty people were invited to take part in the workshop including those with an interest in farming, land, environment, crofting, enterprise, and local authorities.
Participants heard from a range of speakers and the majority of the day was spent in workshop discussion.
You can now access information from the event on the Scottish Government website including an event report, and presentations and papers.
You can also download an Evaluation of Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS)/Development of Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) report prepared by the Rural Development Company Ltd.
The workshop outputs will help inform a public consultation and supporting roadshow events planned for late autumn. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with information on the consultation and events.
Visit the Scottish Government's SRDP website for more information on the ANC scheme.