NFU Scotland and SAYFC in partnership agreement

John Davidson (NFUS) and Penny Montgomery (SAYFC) signed the agreement during day at this year’s Royal Highland Show (Thursday 20 June) in the presence of their office holders and members and ahead of a joint meeting with Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands.
Alan Robertson

The Chief Executive Officers of NFU Scotland (NFUS) and the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) have signed a partnership agreement that will enhance joint working between the two organisations on issues affecting Scottish agriculture in the joint interests of their members.

John Davidson (NFUS) and Penny Montgomery (SAYFC) signed the agreement during day at this year’s Royal Highland Show (Thursday 20 June) in the presence of their office holders and members and ahead of a joint meeting with Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands.

John Davidson said:

“NFU Scotland represents more than 9000 farmers and crofters across the country. We have a powerful influencing voice with key decision makers across the sector and in Holyrood and Westminster.  While we have a very active Next Generation Committee and representation on our Board, we are keen to strengthen our voice when it comes to protecting, enhancing and securing a strong, sustainable and profitable future for Scottish agriculture from those who will be the next custodians farming rural Scotland. Agreeing to closer, joint working via this partnership is a huge positive in achieving this, both in the short and long term.”

Penny Montgomery added:

“I am delighted to sign this agreement with NFUS on behalf of SAYFC.  We are excited to be bringing our experience, knowledge, ideas and understanding of the sector to the partnership.  Our collaboration and potential outputs will benefit members of each organisation alike and help raise the profile of Scotland’s incredible next generation farmers and crofters.”

In 2023-24 the Scottish Rural Network (SRN) provided £28,000 of funding to SAYFC to help build its capacity and capability to engage with future policy development and networking with stakeholders.

The partnership commitments for each organisation are:

The NFUS will:

  • offer free membership to SAYFC members whose membership is valid.
  • offer two invitee positions on the Next Generation Committee to SAYFC representatives, specifically Agri & Rural Affairs Committee Chair and Vice-Chair. NFUS will also extend an invitation to SAYFC for Next Generation events.
  • extend an invitation to two SAYFC members to attend NFUS Board meetings twice a year where a specific agenda item will provide for discussion on work and issues facing young people.
  • provide financial support to SAYFC.
  • provide editorial space in the Scottish Farming Leader magazine to SAYFC.

The SAYFC will:

  • offer two invitee positions on the Agri & Rural Affairs Committee to NFUS Next Generation members and extend invitation to NFUS Next Generation members to attend Agri & Rural Affairs events throughout the year.
  • extend an invitation to NFUS Next Generation members to attend the Agri & Rural Affairs Conference (two complimentary places) and invite two NFUS Next Generation members to attend the annual Five Star Awards Dinner.
  • consult with NFUS with regards to identifying topical issues whereby specific feedback would be beneficial, for example sharing surveys with SAYFC members.
  • invite NFUS Next Gen to be actively involved in third party and stakeholder discussions to deliver a unified voice of Young People in Rural Scotland.
  • support NFUS through actively promoting the benefits of NFUS membership to SAYFC members and share NFUS communications.