New infographic shows progress of Scottish Rural Development Programme for 2019
As the National Support Unit, the Scottish Rural Network is tasked with promoting the benefits and spend of the various funding streams of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020. Every year, an Annual Implementation Report monitors and reports on progress in the SRDP in detail and is submitted to the EU.
Since 2018, the Annual Implementation Report has also been further consolidated into a 'Summary for Citizens' from which the Scottish Rural Network creates a two page infographic.
The infographic contains information on programme expenditure for 2019 across the various schemes, including the Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS), LEADER, the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) and more. There are also some interesting facts on exactly what the money has contributed to - did you know, for example, that 1,826 participants were trained through the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund in 2019, which is just more than the population of Stromness?
You can view and download the infographic here, and you can also access the Annual Implementation Report for 2019 in full here.
If you have any questions on the information contained in the infographic, or on the Scottish Rural Development Programme in general, then please get in touch at