Nature Restoration Skills Week: 13-17 March 2023

With this week being nature Nature Restoration Skills Week, NatureScot and partners have put together a programme of free training events focussed on skills for nature restoration.
Some of the training events are available for booking and still have places available, so if you’d like to widen your skills and knowledge to help restore nature, then explore the links on their website.
The events are divided into two categories – Public Events and Specialist events. Public events are open to anyone interested in nature restoration, whereas Specialist events are aimed at a professional audience currently within the nature-based sector and are generally by invite only. If you would like to know more about any of the Sector events then please contact
What skills do we need to deliver nature-based solutions to the climate emergency?
Scotland’s first online Nature Restoration Jobs and Skills Conference will demonstrate how nature restoration can tackle the nature and climate emergency and provide attractive new opportunities for business and for Scotland’s current and future workforce.
Hear from a range of speakers on Scotland’s ambition for nature restoration, the skills we need to meet that ambition and what the Scottish Government and its partners are doing to support the development of a skilled, inclusive workforce for nature restoration.
From an introduction into green roofs, woodland management to peatland restoration and climate solutions there is a huge range of events to choose from.
Head over to their website for more information and links to book.