National Rural Mental Health Forum - Devolved Benefits Advice Sessions
The National Rural Mental Health Forum (NRMHF) is organising a series of free training workshops about the different current and planned Scottish Devolved Benefits offered through Social Security Scotland. These workshops were developed to inform member organisations supporting rural communities.
The workshops will be delivered by Kevin Ferguson, the Forum’s Mental Health and Benefits Roving Adviser, and are offered over two consecutive days - either mornings or afternoons, with an example structure below to illustrate subjects covered.
Kevin explained ‘This excellent new Member Benefit for the Forum and its supporters is an excellent opportunity for us to ensure that we provide valuable information relating to these benefits, including the eligibility criteria, scope and value of awards and the various methods of applying for them. This can then help members to support their staff and service users/clients to better understand their entitlements and ensure that they are received.’
The balance between Current and Planned will evolve over time as changes occur from November onwards and these days/times can be flexible to suit interested organisations and teams. The workshops would indicatively follow the format below:
Session 1 Currently Devolved Duration
09:30 Introduction & Welcome 45 mins including Q&A
Job Start Payments
BREAK 10 Mins
10:25 Carer’s Allowance Supplement 30 mins inc Q&A
Young Carer’s Grant
BREAK 10 Mins
11:05 Best Start Grants 50 mins including Q&A
Best Start Foods
Funeral Support Payments
11:55 SUMMARY/WRAP-UP 20 Mins
Session 2 Current & Planned Duration
09:30 Intro/Recap 40 Mins including Q&A
Discretionary Housing Payments
Scottish Welfare Fund
Universal Credit Scottish Choices
BREAK 10 Min
10:20 Scottish Child Payments 60 Mins including Q&A
Winter Heating Assistance
Disability Assistance
BREAK 10 Mins
11:30 Mental Health and Money Advice 30 Mins
Round-up & Close
Please contact Kevin directly on 07554 620920 or if you need any more details or would like to discuss specific aspects of the programme. Alternatively, you can make your way directly to the NRMHF Devolved Benefits webpage to make a booking in the first tranche of workshops, running until the end of 2020. More dates are planned into 2021.
‘It is vital the rural and island communities are aware of the devolved benefits available to them.’ Jim Hume, Convener of the NRMHF said, ‘There are many new benefits now available that could support you or those in your communities and organisations in rural Scotland. This new benefits advice service is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn what is available and what may support people to live lives with the help that they deserve.’
The NRMHF is supported by the Scottish Government and is organised by Support in Mind Scotland.