Moray LEADER LAG members wanted

More volunteers are needed to deliver the next LEADER and Fisheries programmes in Moray.
Members are still being sought for a new Local Action Group (LAG) to deliver the Local Development Strategy for Moray for 2014-2020. This strategy includes the LEADER and Fisheries Programmes, including rural business support and farm diversification, and will cover the whole of Moray except for the area in the Cairngorms National Park. Expertise demonstrating both a geographic and sectoral mix across the area is sought. Members are also sought for a new Moray local advisory group for the new Highland and Moray Fisheries LAG.
This is a chance to get involved in rural and fisheries development on a local level, contributing towards what has already proven to be a successful mechanism for economic, social and environmental investment into Moray.
If you would like to be considered as a member of the new LEADER Local Action Group or the new Moray fisheries advisory group, please email or telephone 01343 563635 for a recruitment pack. The closing date has been extended to 5pm on Friday 12 February 2016.