MaaS Investment Fund – Round 2
In 2019, the Scottish Government launched a £2 million MaaS Investment Fund to support the testing of the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept in Scotland. The first projects supported through Round 1 of the fund were announced in December last year. More information on the fund and Round 1 projects can be found here.
Ahead of the launch of Round 2 funding in January 2021, and following on from the recent Stakeholder Workshop held last month, MaaS Scotland will once again be coordinating a Pre Interest Registration process on behalf of Transport Scotland. This process, which will run until end November 2020, will provide an opportunity to submit a short project summary in advance of any full submission when the fund formally opens next year. Project proposals will be shared with Transport Scotland to allow early, direct feedback on application suitability, project scope and costs, and stakeholder engagement.
This is an important opportunity to receive valuable feedback ahead of project submission next year and we would encourage anyone with an interest in Round 2 of the fund to engage with this process.
Submissions to the Pre Interest Registration should be made here and should be completed before 30th November 2020.