LEADER funding awarded to Argyll and the Islands projects

Fourteen projects across Argyll and the Islands have secured a share of almost £612,000 of LEADER funding - awarded to community-led projects that support economic growth and development across the area.
The LEADER programme is administered by Argyll and Bute Council and grants are awarded by the Local Action Group (LAG) to projects which fit with its Local Development Strategy. And with match funding almost £1.2 million will be invested across the area.
Iain MacInnes, chair of Argyll and the Islands LEADER LAG said:
"I am pleased to see these awards being made, helping to strengthen and support the local economy within Argyll and the Islands. The community led focus of LEADER recognises the unique natural and cultural heritage within our area. Despite recent uncertainties over EU Funding, I am pleased that LEADER funding will continue over the next few years."
The Argyll and the Islands LAG had identified strengthening of the local economy and enhancing the area for residents, visitors and investors as key and encouraged applications which will help develop a strong local economy.
Sheila Gilmour, Executive Director of Visit Arran, said:
"Visit Arran is delighted to have received LEADER funding which will enable us to develop the ArranCard to be used in all sectors of Arran business, accommodation, activity, attraction and food and drink. The ArranCard will be a one-stop credit card style gift voucher that can be used all over Arran, making us the first island destination to run such a scheme."
Please visit www.aiLEADER.org for more information.
More about LEADER across Scotland
You can find out about LEADER across Scotland in the LEADER section of our website, where you can also submit an Expression of Interest form if you have an idea for a project.
And watch our short film below to find out more about six inspiring projects that received funding in the LEADER 2007-2013 programme.
Scottish LEADER programme from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.