Have your say in the future of Transport in Scotland; Consultation is now open

The consultation on the draft second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Summary Report is now open.
It sets out draft transport recommendations for the next 20 years. STPR2 is one of the mechanisms for delivering the Vision, Priorities and Outcomes of the second National Transport Strategy (NTS2). It is an important tool for achieving the Government’s commitment to 20% reduction in vehicle kilometres by 2030 and contributing to Scotland’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2045. Also, addressing inequalities, improving health and wellbeing and contributing to inclusive economic growth.
Responses will be received until midnight on Friday 15 April 2022. A Microsoft Word version of the questionnaire can be downloaded from Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 and paper versions can be requested by calling 0330 122 1369 or emailing Consultation@stpr2surveys.co.uk
Why your views matter
The draft STPR2 Report (Jan 2022) combines the previous Phase 1 recommendations published in February 2021, which are the short term priorities, with the longer term recommendations. Therefore providing the full suite of recommendations for transport investment for the next 20 years, for consultation.
While the appraisal process has been a robust and involved extensive collaboration and consultation with stakeholders and public, these are draft recommendations and not a definitive list. There is still scope for refinement and additions.
Your feedback is important, as all consultation responses will inform the final STPR2 Report. This will be the evidence base for future spending decisions on strategic transport investment by Scottish Ministers up to 2042, and also inform the development of future transport investment delivery plans.
For more information and to begin the consultation click here.