Grant for Auchengray church window restoration

WAT IF? (Woolfords, Auchengray and Tarbrax Improvement Foundation) have awarded £2,500 to the Auchengray Church Centre Trust for their Church Window Restoration Project.
The funding from the WAT IF? Large Grant Scheme will restore the stained glass windows and associated stonework in the B-Listed church. The first phase of work started earlier this month.
WAT IF? is the local community development trust covering the three villages and settlements within a 5km radius of Stallashaw Moss and is funded by Muirhall Windfarm Extension Ltd.
The Trust developed a five-year action plan in consultation with the community in 2012, and projects have included the refurbishment of Woolfords Village Hall, a broadband technical review and a new ‘Gateways’ project which will enhance the appearance of the village entrances.
The trust allocates 20% of the annual funds for grant schemes:
- residents can apply for up to £500 throughout the year for community projects in the small grant scheme
- organisations or local groups can apply for up to £2,500 twice a year in the large grant scheme
So far this year the small grant scheme has awarded over £2,400 for small projects ranging from landscape improvements, push-gritters, sports equipment for the school and most recently a small grant has funded buses for a district reunion dance.
For more information visit the WAT IF? website or contact Development Officer Jemma Black at