Farmstrong survey aims to support agri workers

Farmers having discussion in a barn
Alan Robertson

Farmstrong Scotland have launched a survey to get a broader picture of the effects that the farming and crofting sectors are having on wellbeing, and the ways people deal with these.

They have partnered with Scotinform - a Scottish independent market researcher - to carry out this research.

In recent years, the conversation around health and wellbeing has evolved, shedding light on the unique challenges faced by various communities. One such group is farmers and crofters who work in an industry marked by isolation, financial uncertainty and physical strain – all factors that can take a heavy toll on health and wellbeing. As awareness grows, so too does the role of research in supporting efforts to address these challenges.

In many industries, consultants and researchers play a vital role in helping organisations adapt to changing conditions and attitudes. However, for communities like farming and crofting, these outside experts are often met with scepticism. It’s easy to understand why – too often consultants parachute into rural areas, offer whirlwind advice, and then disappear, leaving little lasting impact.

This survey goes beyond just gathering data; it’s about understanding the emotional and cultural landscape, amplifying the voices of those affected, and helping Farmstrong to develop strategies that truly make a difference.

The survey shouldn’t take longer than ten minutes to complete and can be done online herevia the QR code above or pick up a paper copy at auction marts and agricultural suppliers - if you need one posted, contact Farmstrong Scotland directly here. You can also enter the draw to win one of five £50 Harbro vouchers.

Farmstrong Scotland are keen to hear from as many people as possible and encourage farmers and crofters to share the survey amongst their contacts, friends and family within the industry.

Make sure your voice is heard and help Farmstrong Scotland to direct their future activities and resources. The information you provide will be anonymised and will not be reported in a way that would identify participants.

If you have any queries, you can get in touch with Farmstrong Scotland at: or with Alix Ritchie, Programme Director at