Farming in nature - measuring success

Are you planning on doing any agri-environmental management in 2017?
This could be part of an Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) scheme, a greening measure, or just a desire to do something different. Want to know if your management makes a difference? Soil Association Scotland can help you find out!
We want to identify where agri-environmental management benefits both wildlife and production. An example could be field margins increasing insect numbers, pollinating plants or competing with crop pests to increase yield.
We are teaming up with researchers from SRUC to measure these things, and are looking for a volunteer farm to help us. Could this be you?
If you would you like to find out how useful your agri-environmental management is, and then let us share our findings with other farmers, please get in touch.
Call the farming team in the Soil Association on 0131 666 2474 or contact
Funding is provided through Duchy Future Farming, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in partnership with the Scottish Government, Scottish Water, and RSPB.