Event report: Moray LAG development day

Scottish Rural Network Development Officer Don Morrison reports on the recent development day for Moray LEADER Local Action Group.
The Scottish Rural Network (SRN) recently assisted the facilitation of a development day for the members of the Moray LEADER Local Action Group.
The main objectives of the day were to:
Build the knowledge and confidence of the LAG to implement the Local Development Strategy effectively
Share good practice on how LEADER is delivered in other areas
The day started off with an opportunity for the group to find out more about each other and explore things they had in common. We then heard from Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development (PLANED), the third sector organisation who administer the Pembrokeshire LEADER programme on behalf of the Arwain Sir Benfro LAG. Following that we heard about the Highland LEADER programme from Jon Hollingdale and Sarah Lamb.
After a short explanation from Gillian Macdonald (Scottish Government) on the responsibilities of a LAG, the LAG members explored how the Moray LAG could be structured and what legal status it should have.
The afternoon sessions provided the group with opportunities to explore the roles and responsibilities of the LAG members and to identify their existing skills and future development needs.
The day concluded with the election of a Chair and Deputy Chair for the LAG.
There was a lot of good work done in a very positive manner. The Moray LAG appear to have taken the first steps to a bright future.