Developing Scotland’s international cultural presence

A public survey to help develop an International Culture Strategy for Scotland has been launched by the Culture Secretary.
The survey seeks views from cultural organisations, companies from across the creative industries and individuals who work internationally or have aspirations to do so. The strategy aims to develop an approach to international engagement that supports sectoral resilience, recovery and long term development.
The strategy will seek to draw on the knowledge, expertise and lived experience of cultural organisations and practitioners to understand the importance of international activity to their work and to the wider sector in Scotland.
The survey will be open for responses for three months and will form the basis of a report that will be published after a period of analysis.
Culture Secretary Angus Robertson said:
“Working in partnership with the sector, the Scottish Government is developing an International Culture Strategy that supports the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector, building on its strong existing international footprint.
“The strategy will be set in the context of the challenges facing the sector following the impact of Brexit, the Covid pandemic and the cost of living crisis and ensure it helps address these challenges. That is why this survey is so important as once we begin to see themes emerging, we can engage further with the sector to explore these themes in more detail.
“Scotland’s cultural activity has a strong international reputation, which is important to our wider international presence. I hope as many people and organisations as possible engage with this survey to allow us to create a strategy that best supports the sector’s international activity and ambitions.”