Crofting consultation 2024

Crofting consultation 2024 - Image of Croft - Isle of Lewis - SRN photo
Roderick Low

A consultation has been launched by the Scottish Government to identify ways to support the future of crofting across rural and island Scotland.  

The Scottish Government is determined to ensure that crofting legislation enables and supports the sustainability of crofting, of crofters and crofting communities, and allows crofting to modernise, innovate, diversify and adapt to help meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

To help develop a strong future crofting sector this consultation seeks views on a range of proposals for crofting reform, which will help to create opportunities for new entrants, encourage the active management and use of crofts and common grazings, and support rural population.     

Jim Fairlie, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity said:

"The crofting system must support effective and sustainable land use. Crofting’s place in agriculture and food production will remain at the heart of the system, but alongside these we now see crofting playing an increasing role in tourism, renewable energy generation, forestry, peatland restoration, beekeeping and small-scale horticulture production.

This public consultation marks a key step in our readiness to legislate and will help ensure the widest possible input to our legislative proposals".

It is recommended that the consultation paper been read by those taking part to help with the context of the consultation. The paper contains full background information, including references to current legislation which people may find useful to read or refer to while responding.

The consulation runs until the 2 September 2024 and can be accessed here