Countdown to Orkney 2025 begins!

Kirkwall habour at dusk
Alan Robertson

Last week saw the start of the official one-year countdown to the highly anticipated Orkney 2025 International Island Games.

Throughout the week, over 60 international delegates of the games travelled from as far as Bermuda and the Falkland Islands to join event organisers on Orkney to mark the momentous occasion. The week-long island games will take place on Orkney in July next year. Marking a milestone 40th year since the games first began, it will be one of the largest multi-sport events taking place in Europe in 2025.

The Games will not only be a sporting spectacle, but also a catalyst for promoting the cultural and economic vitality of the Orkney Islands. Orkney representatives from each of the 12 sports gathered at the Standing Stones of Stenness to mark the momentous occasion.

Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events, VisitScotland said:

“Scotland is the perfect stage for events. We are looking forward to welcoming athletes, officials, and supporters to Orkney in one year’s time for the 2025 International Island Games.

Today is the start of many exciting milestones as we countdown to Orkney 2025.

We look forward to working with the organisers, partners and the people of Orkney over the next 12 months to deliver a unique and memorable event for everyone”.

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, attended the launch to show her support for the games, the biggest event Orkney has ever hosted.

Ms Gougeon saw first-hand how preparations are progressing and delivered a speech to attending delegates. She also discussed the significance of the games, both locally and nationally, and why she’s so pleased that the Scottish Government is supporting this event. She said:

“I am delighted to be able to join so many international delegates and Orcadians to start the countdown to Games.

This is an opportunity to showcase, not just Orkney, but also for Shetland and the Western Isles who will compete in 2025. The next 12 months will be so exciting as Orkney prepares to host competitors, coaches, officials, spectators and tourists from across the globe and show them a wonderful Scottish welcome.

I look forward to us all working to make Orkney 2025 a huge success”.

The Orkney 2025 International Island Games will take place from 12-18 July 2025 and marks the 20th International Island Games in its landmark 40th year since they began.

The week-long event will see athletes from up to 24 island groups from across the world compete in 12 sports: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Bowls, Cycling, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Sailing, Squash, Swimming, and Triathlon.

The right to host an International Island Games is awarded by member countries of the International Island Games Association (IIGA) at its General Assembly. The International Island Games Association (International Island Games Association | IIGA) is a world membership organisation allowing member islands the opportunity to host this unique multi-sport event.

Gordon Deans, Chair, Orkney 2025 said;

“We are thrilled to welcome delegates from so many of the island groups here to Orkney to help us celebrate the one-year countdown to the games.

The anticipation is ramping us as local businesses, tourism, and community groups are preparing to showcase the vibrant spirit and culture of Orkney.

Our community is eagerly preparing to welcome athletes, officials, and visitors from around the world.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our dedicated volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who have worked so hard to set the games in good stead with just a year left to go.

I would also like to thank the Cabinet Secretary for her support and presence here for our year-to-go activities. We are on the brink of a truly unforgettable event that will celebrate Orkney’s rich heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality which will make this a memorable event for everyone involved”.

Find out more about Orkney 2025 here