Community Wealth Building in Scotland Survey!
Rural Exchange research on Community Wealth Building is a part of the 'Novel Insights on Scotland’s Rural and Island Economies (NISRIE)' project funded within the Rural Futures Theme of the Scottish Government's 2022-27 Strategic Research Programme on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.
Find out more about the NISRIE project here.
The Community Wealth Building model is a people-centred approach to local economic development that aims to redirect wealth back into local economies, placing control and benefits into the hands of local people, highlighting that similar approaches have already been present and implemented in rural and island communities across Scotland.
So far, we have produced four reports looking at the role of Community Wealth Building model and its application in rural and island communities in Scotland.
1. Community Wealth Building: Approaches Relevant to Rural and Island Communities
2. Community Wealth Building in Scotland: The Evolution of Policy and Practice
3. Community Wealth Building: Learning from International Experiences
4. Community Wealth Building: Pilots and Pioneer Case Studies
The reports present how rural, and island communities can be empowered to influence local decisions, shape services, and address poverty through local economic development.
In the next stage of our research, we are interested in hearing from anyone working with, and for, Community Wealth Building across Scotland (whether you are representing a public sector organisation (e.g. local authority), a private sector business, a social enterprise, or a community sector organisation).
- Are you involved in a Community Wealth Building project?
- Do your projects build community wealth (even if they're not called that)?
- Are you delivering a Community Led Local Development project?
If any of these apply to you, Rural Exchange would like to hear from you.
While one aim of project is understanding rural and island experiences of building community wealth, we welcome responses from all contexts, from remote rural areas to large cities.
Your insights will help us understand how Community Wealth Building principles are being adopted across Scotland.
Survey link:
Case study on our research: Community Wealth Building: Policy, Practice and Case studies | SEFARI