Call for views into Assisted Dying Bill

Call for views into Assisted Dying Bill
Alan Robertson

A call for views has been made by Health, Social Care and Sport Committee for the ‘Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill’.

The Member’s Bill, introduced by Liam McArthur MSP, will allow terminally ill adults in Scotland, who are eligible, to lawfully request, and be provided with, assistance by health professionals to end their own life. The Bill establishes a lawful process, delivered by health professionals, for terminally ill adults, if eligible, to access the provision of assistance.

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee has been designated as the lead Committee for the Bill and the Committee agreed an initial approach to its scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1 at its meeting on 21 May 2024.

As with all Bills, the Finance and Public Administration Committee invites written evidence on the estimated financial implications of the Bill as set out in its accompanying Financial Memorandum (FM).

The Committee has opened a call for evidence on the Bill, the purpose of which is to gather views from the public and stakeholders on the Bill. These views will then inform the Committee’s scrutiny of the Bill.

You can find details of the bill including Explanatory Notes, Policy and Financial Memorandum and a link to submit views here