Book now for free Dumfries & Galloway arts conference

An arts conference in Dumfries is set to attract people from across Scotland interested in community and cultural activities.
Registration is now open for DG Unlimited's free Connections conference taking place on 31 August at the Theatre Royal in Dumfries.
Now in its third year, this annual conference features a packed programme of talks, workshops and activities covering a range of topics including marketing and fundraising, licensing and professional development.
Open to both members and non-members of DG Unlimited, the conference is aimed at a range of audiences, including event producers, community companies, venues, artists, makers, photographers, community council representatives and local media.
David McDonald, newly appointed Regional Arts Development Director for DGU said:
"We have a packed programme of activity planned for this year’s conference, featuring a range of guest speakers from a host of cultural organisations who will offer insight into the latest trends, good practice and inspirational ideas that are sure to benefit those working in the cultural sector in Dumfries and Galloway.
"I would urge anyone with an interest in the community and cultural sector to sign up and be part of what promises to be one of the most culturally insightful calendar events in Dumfries and Galloway this year."
Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chair of the Communities Committee said:
"Arts and Culture bring so much to our communities right across Dumfries and Galloway – not only do they create wealth helping us build the local economy, but they also engage young people and those who, are at times, not included in mainstream activity. This conference will be an excellent networking opportunity for those in the sector."
The one-day event includes a keynote speech by Ken Hay, Chair of Festivals Edinburgh and CEO of Edinburgh International Film Festival.
Other confirmed speakers and panellists for the breakout sessions include
- Rachel Blanche, Cultural Policy Consultant
- David Stevenson, MA Arts Programme leader at Queen Margaret University
- Jo McLean CEO of The Touring Network
- Derek Crichton, Director of Communities, Dumfries and Galloway Council
- Peter McCaughey, Wave Particle
- Debz McDowall, Sleeping Giants
- ts Beall artist and Riverside Museum/Glasgow University
- Graham Hogg Lateral North
- Paul Chisholm Youth Beatz Festival
The day will start with a marketplace of stands and information from the Dumfries and Galloway's leading cultural providers and a funders breakfast where delegates can have informal conversations with representatives of funders such as Creative Scotland and The Robertson Trust.
There will be pop-up performances by members of DG Unlimited throughout the day. The inclusion of a fun and informative ‘Shout Out’ session will give delegates a chance to share their ‘one minute elevator pitch’ about their role or interest in the arts and create new connections with other delegates.
The event is free, however spaces are limited and those interested in attending should register at: