ARP user research panel - Join today!

SRN image of lamb - user research panel
Roderick Low

Nearly 1 in 3 people in the UK find it difficult to use online services. Reasons for this include: poor internet access, not feeling confident using technology, having dyslexia, or low or no vision.

The Scottish Government are committed to making sure their services work for everyone. If you or someone you know has difficulty using online services, they want to hear from you to help shape the future of Scottish agricultural support.

How it works

If you or someone you know is interested in taking part in research, you can sign up to a research panel. When you sign up to the research panel, you will be asked to give some information about who you are and what your connection is to the agricultural industry. If you fit the criteria for a research project, you will be contacted to ask if you want to take part. Research opportunities may include surveys, interviews, testing, workshops and more. Depending on the type of research and level of input required, some opportunities may offer a paid incentive to take part.

How to sign up

There are a few different ways you can sign up to the research panel:

You are able to sign up on behalf of someone else – such as a family member or friend – as long as they have given clear permission for you to do so. You will be asked to confirm this when you complete the form.

Who else can sign up

Anyone who may be affected by future changes to agricultural support in Scotland can sign up to take part in research. This includes farmers, crofters, land managers, agents, advisors, and the wider industry.

If you have any questions check Rural Payments Website 

Please reach out to our friendly research support team at if you have any questions about taking part in research.