‘Support Stranraer’ campaign launched

‘Supporting local businesses helps protect local jobs’ is the message behind a campaign launched by the Stranraer Development Trust. The campaign encourages people to ‘Support Stranraer’, with the aim of building back confidence in the community and encouraging people to feel confident about enjoying local facilities and buying from local businesses.
Leaflets, badges and posters have been sent to businesses in Stranraer town centre, and large banners have been unveiled that thank people for supporting the town. The first of a series of short videos launched this evening on the Stranraer Development Trust’s facebook page, and the Trust is encouraging local people to share information and social media posts about the ‘Support Stranraer’ campaign to amplify the impact.
Allan Jenkins of Stranraer Development Trust said:
“No matter what happens in the weeks and months ahead, we know the businesses of Stranraer will put the wellbeing of our community first. So we are asking the people of Stranraer to think local first - to support our local businesses and by doing so, help protect local jobs. Our toon has done really well in how we’ve responded to covid, and we can all play our part in the economic recovery by working together to Support Stranraer.”
The campaign has been made possible with funding from the ‘Towns and Business Improvement Districts Resilience and Recovery Fund’ which was financed by the Scottish Government and administered by Scotland’s Towns Partnership, and the Stranraer recovery campaign has the backing of Dumfries & Galloway Council. The campaign features a new townscape illustration showing prominent local buildings and shared community spaces.
Romano Petrucci, Chairman of Stranraer Development Trust, and a local business owner said:
“Every business in Stranraer has been affected by covid, but every person in Stranraer can help our town’s recovery by thinking local first. Through this campaign the Trust is encouraging people to love local and invest in each other’s success, because supporting each other is the best way for us all to get through this, and to protect as many local jobs as possible.
“We are inviting every local business to get involved, by displaying marketing materials, taking part in our short videos, sharing social media posts and adding their details to an expanded online town directory. This campaign is all about showing off how fantastic Stranraer is. We should all be proud of how we helped each other get through lockdown, and looking ahead it’s more important than ever before that we pull together and support our town recover from the impact of covid.”
Local businesses who want to take part are encouraged to contact Stranraer Development Trust on info@stranraerdevelopmenttrust.co.uk for more information.