Moray's Climate Change Conference

Moray's Climate Change Conference
Friday 27 September 2024 - 09:00 to 17:00

Mansefield House Hotel, 2 Mayne Road, Elgin, IV30 1NY

Moray Climate Action Network

Moray's Climate Action Network - Moray CAN - is delighted to be hosting its first conference event.

The day is designed so that participants will be able to learn more about what measures are currently being taken to mitigate climate change in Moray, and what can be done to ensure further action is prioritised.

Key note speakers and workshop presentations, will share knowledge on areas including future decarbonisation, reducing emissions, nature restoration and educational outreach.

Key Note Speakers:

  • Louise Nicol - Moray Climate Action Network - updating on local projects funded and work of Network members.
  • George Gunn - Climate Change Strategy Officer, Moray Council - will give an overview of progress on local authority's Climate Change Strategy. The strategy will be updated next year, so a timely opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.
  • Keith Masson - Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Head of Net Zero Transition - will sharing work on a multi-partner approach to support the region's enterprises understand, measure and benefit from net zero and circular economy practices. Keith will also highlight the latest baseline carbon footprint report with a particular focus on what this means for Moray.
  • Peter Clark - Scotch Whisky Association’s Deputy Director for Industry Sustainability - will share insights into the industry’s collective sustainability ambitions and what action the SWA has taken to help its members to decarbonise their operational emissions by the target of 2040.

During the afternoon, participants will have the choice to make some offsite visits to nearby projects , as part of their workshop choice.


  • 9.00-9.30am - Registration & Coffee
  • 9.30-9.45am - Opening Remarks
  • 9.45-10.45am - Key Note Speakers
  • 10.45-11.15am - Break - Visit Stallholders
  • 11.15-12.15pm - Key Note Speakers
  • 12.15-1.15pm - Networking Lunch
  • 1.30-4pm - Workshops
  • 4.00pm - Reconvene
  • 4.00-4.30pm - Young People's Films & Insights from Speyside High student Ollie Myrvang-McAvoy
  • 4.30-4.45pm - Closing Remarks