Listening to your visitors and managing feedback

Forbes of Kingennie
DD5 3RD Dundee
United Kingdom
Listening to your customers, directly and indirectly, has never been easier! This masterclass aims to provide you with the most effective & up-to-date methods of gathering feedback & most importantly, how to use feedback within the business.
Are you aware of the vast visitor feedback available on the Digital high street? Not all of the feedback about your brand is direct! Customers are talking about experiences, products and services across multiple channels day and night. They might be sharing information about your brand (good and bad). So, if you need to understand how you can listen to data or, are tongue-tied when responding to TripAdvisor reviews, this masterclass is ideal.
During the masterclass you will:
- Understand why feedback is a fundamental tool for your business
- Share & review feedback tools & experiences that work for other tourism businesses
- Identify the opportunities of the digital landscape, internet conversations & indirect feedback that exists
- Review relevant data sources & ways to analyse such data
- Identify where more pro-active feedback opportunities exist within the business
- Plan what to do with feedback to best benefit your business, including social CRM
You will be able to network over lunch with other businesses from the area. And, if you wish to bring along examples of your feedback tools then they can be shared & discussed with other group members. Please feel free to bring along a mobile device, ie tablet or laptop in order to access some of the tools.
A light lunch will be served on the day.
The workshop is aimed at managers, owners & staff who are able to implement feedback mechanisms & influence digital strategy within the workplace & are responsible for using feedback & digital tools to drive the business forward.