A Human Rights Bill for Scotland – Scottish Government Consultation Event

The Crichton Trust Bankend Road Dumfries DG1 4ZE
This in-person event forms part of the Scottish Government’s consultation on proposals for a new Human Rights Bill. The purpose of this event is to allow people to learn about the Scottish Government’s proposals and to tell us what they think to help inform how the Bill is developed.
The Scottish Government published its consultation on proposals for the Human Rights Bill on 15 June 2023. It will close on 05 October 2023. Further information on the consultation – including accessible and alternative versions of the consultation and information on how to respond – can be found here:
• https://consult.gov.scot/equality-and-human-rights/a-human-rights-bill-f....
The Human Rights Bill
The Human Rights Bill will incorporate four UN Treaties into Scots Law, as far as possible within the limits of devolved competence. These treaties are:
• the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR);
• the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW);
• the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD); and
• the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The Bill will also include a right to a healthy environment and will be designed to make sure the rights it sets out are available to everyone equally.
Enshrining these rights in Scotland’s domestic law aims to empower individuals to understand and claim them, and to ensure there is more effective monitoring and accountability when things go wrong.
Foind out more and book fo rthe event at the 'Reserve a spot' link
If you have any accessibility requirements for the event, please notify HumanRightsOffice@gov.scot as soon as possible.