Hopeful Futures, Inverness

Wasps Inverness
There is a growing wave of people across the country - and around the world - who are actively building more hopeful futures. Community gardens, mutual aid groups, cooperatives of all kinds, solidarity networks, creative collectives, repair cafés, tool libraries, nature restoration projects—these are just a few examples. We can cultivate a root system of alternatives - both big and small - and reclaim a sense of possibility.
Hopeful Futures will be a weekend public gathering that seeks to make visible and celebrate hopeful initiatives across the Highlands. It will offer talks, information, discussions and workshops, asking, How do we plant the seeds of hope, possibility, and solidarity in our communities? How can we support each other to gather and cultivate conviviality? What is in our power? A community meal will be the centrepiece, with local food and music for all to enjoy.