Field Lab: Plant Teams
Balmaise Community Centre, Dunfermline, Fife, KY85
Soil Association Scotland is teaming up with the James Hutton Institute on a field lab, part of a Europe-wide project, to trial crop mixtures or ‘plant teams’. We want to test the potential that inter-cropping peas and beans, for example, has to improve Scottish soils, yield stability and resilience as well as to suppress pests and diseases.
Come hear from experts Ali Karley (The James Hutton Institute) and Robin Walker (SRUC) to find out which crops might work best together on your farm.
Visit Durie Farms to see how farmer Doug Christie has been successfully growing a variety of plant teams for many years, and to see what equipment he uses for separating crops.
Free lunch and hot refreshments provided.
Taking part in this field lab will give you access to plant teams research projects at the James Hutton Institute and SRUC: Horizon 2020-funded DIVERSify and EU-ReMIX.