Farm retail with a focus on building staff teams - Monitor farm programme

Farm retail with a focus on building staff teams - Monitor farm programme

Farm retail with a focus on building staff teams - Monitor farm programme
Wednesday 26 June 2024 - 10:00 to 10:30

Balgove Larder St Andrews moving at lunchtime to Adross Farm Shop, Elie.

Scotland's Agritourism Monitor Farms Programme


Scotland's Agritourism Monitor Farm programme supports agritourism, rural tourism and food and drink businesses to invest and grow, driving benefit to the rural economy and beyond.

There will be a tour at Balgove Larder and Will Docker will provide an overview of the business and staff. We will move to Ardross Farm where Fiona will cover HR/staffing in the business. Cameron Laird will then speak about her business, Cairnie Fruit Farm and her staff.

Morag Hutchison from Shepherd and Wedderburn, Partner in their Employment Practice team will cover HR law and specific areas that businesses require to be aware of. Morag advises companies, partnerships, charities and public sector employers based in the UK and internationally on all areas of employment law in the UK. Neil Ferguson from Gravitate HR will also attend to take part in discussions and offer support.

Soup, tea/coffee and tray bakes are kindly being provided by Ardross Farm but please bring any additional food required eg sandwiches/packed lunch.

All welcome.

The meeting itself is free to attend and all agritourism, rural tourism and rural food and drink businesses are welcome as well as farmers and crofters considering agritourism.

This Monitor Farm meeting will take place at Balgove Larder moving at lunchtime to Adross Farm Shop, Elie.

The topic of the meeting is farm retail, catering and butchery with a staff focus. Please arrive at 10.00 am for a 10.30 am start with a 4.30 pm finish.
