Dornoch Festival Week

Meadows Park, Dornoch, IV25 3SF
The week comprises a wide variety of events and fund raising activities, from football and dances to pet shows! It is an excellent family event.
Monday 8th August: Pet Show at Meadows Park, 10:30am; Indoor Bowling at the Dornoch Social Club, 1:30pm; Family Bingo at The Marquee, 2:30pm; Crowning of the Princess, Prince & Attendant at The Marquee, 6pm; Car Treasure Hunt at The Marquee, 6:30pm.
Tuesday 9th August: Children’s Sports at The Meadows, 10:30am; Make Your Own Time Capsule at HistoryLinks Museum, 12pm—2pm; Children’s Fancy Dress at The Marquee, 2pm; Family Quiz Night at Dornoch Social Club, 7pm
Wednesday 10th August: Kids Treasure Hunt at The Marquee, 10:30am; Ceilidh Tea Dance at Dornoch Social Club, 2pm; Junior 5-A-Side Football at Meadows Park, 7pm; Cash Bingo at The Marquee, 8pm; Sutherland Caledonian Pipe Band at the Square, 8pm
Thursday 11th August: Teddy Bears Picnic at The Marquee, 12pm, you bring the teddy, we supply the picnic Target Golf Competition at The Lochans Driving Range, 10am—3pm. Open to all ages - bring your own clubs or use the ones provided. Two Competitions - Juniors (up to 15) and Adults. Win free baskets of balls for the Driving Range!
Friday 12th August: Sandcastle Competition at Dornoch Beach, 10:30am; Dornoch Cinema presents Zootropolis (PG) at Dornoch Social Club, 3pm; Adult Fancy Dress 5-A-Side Football at Meadows Park (No fancy dress, no play), 7pm; Bubble Football & Fusion Laser Tag at The Marquee, 7pm—9pm.
Saturday 13th August: The Great 400 Years Street Party at Cathedral Green & HistoryLinks Museum, 3pm – 6pm; Junior & Adult Pram Races at Dornoch Square, 6.30pm; Fancy Dress & Parade of Floats at Dornoch Square, 7pm; 400 Years Dance at The Marquee, Meadows Park, Entry £8 - Licensed Bar, Music by Monarch Isle, 9:30pm—11.45pm