Do you know how the food and drink sector in rural Stirling is doing?
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Friday 13 November 2015 - 14:00 to 16:00
West Moss-Side Farm, nr Thornhill, FK8 3QJ
Forth Valley and Lomond LEADER
Forth Valley and Lomond LEADER are helping Stirling Council produce an economic Action Plan for Rural Stirling. We have been gathering information on the economy, but importantly - we need your help.
If you are a business, a worker, a farmer, a land owner, a parent or just interested in the future of the food and drink sector in rural Stirling, please come and be part of the discussion, and help set future food and drink priorities.
Organisers are keen to hear from as many people as possible and if you’re unable to attend a meeting but would like to inform the Action Plan then please e-mail Irene Watterson at with your views.