Shetland Islands Council

Innovative Ways of engagement, Shetland, Scotland

We are seeking potential cooperation partners to develop cooperation projects or join existing projects. As yet we have no cooperation projects in play or in our project pipeline however we are keen to explore options with partners

Find out more

Growing All Year Round in the Polytunnel training course

With experienced tutor Penny Armstrong you will learn about: How to make best use of your polytunnel all year round. Management of the polytunnel growing environment throughout four seasons. Propagation techniques for early starts. How to extend the season. Sowing and planting times. Suitable varieties for a year round harvest.

The Essentials of Exporting to the Nordics - Shetland

Want to develop a successful business plan for cracking the Nordic market? Sign up for this information-packed seminar! Get valuable practical advice from key market experts from Scottish Development International, the Department for International Trade and GlobalScot, and hear first-hand experiences from a Highlands and Islands company that has successfully entered the market. Network with like-minded professionals who share your interest - and learn about potentially lucrative opportunities in Norway and Finland.

Democracy Matters - Lerwick

The Local Governance Review team are inviting you to have your say on the themes and issues that have arisen from Democracy Matters conversations that have been happening across the country.

Find out more about the Local Governance Review & Democracy Matters Conversations, meet the team and discuss your views and ideas about how we can bring decision making to a community level. This is a free informal workshop style event.

Join them in Lerwick for the latest in their programme of events across the country

In Focus: Trusts & Foundations (Shetland)

This training event focusses on how to make successful applications to charitable trusts. The trainer will talk you through the process of identifying, researching and applying to charitable trusts.

The event includes a networking lunch and plenty of time for discussion and experience sharing amongst the group of participants.



Fundraising: Make it Happen (Shetland)

This full-day training event provides an introduction to fundraising from private courses (charitable trusts, businesses and individuals). The trainer will take you through the process of fundraising (the seven steps of fundraising) and how to create an effective case for support for use in all types of funding applications, bids and proposals.

The event also includes plenty of time to hear the stories and experiences of others in the room.


Polytunnel Growing Shetland

Introduction to Polytunnel Growing

Date: 24th March 2018
Venue: Turriefield, Sandness, Shetland

A course for those interested in growing undercover. You will learn about:

• Different types of tunnels and how to choose what is best for you and your site
• Bed layout and ground preparation and soil management
• Management of the polytunnel growing environment
• How to make best use of your polytunnel

Crofting roadshow: Lerwick

Do you want to help secure the future of crofting?

The Crofting Commission elections will be taking place in March 2017.

At a crofting roadshow near you you can find out more about the elections, the role of the Commission and Commissioners and the importance of making your voice heard.

The roadshow will also have short talks from different crofting organisations addressing key crofting issues, followed by a Q&A session.
