Edinburgh City Council

Make it Happen: Introduction to Fundraising from Private Sources (Edinburgh)

This one-day course will raise awareness of the various funding sources available to heritage organisations and projects. It will help you target the private sources of funding best suited to the work you want to do and outline the best practice methods of approach.

The training covers:
– Individual Giving
– Developing your Case for Support
– The Seven Steps of fundraising
– Making the Ask
– How to say ‘Thank you’
– A look at resources, tools and techniques

Royal Society of Edinburgh discussion - Life in the Soil: does it matter?

The evening will focus on the vital roles which biodiversity beneath our feet play - in maintaining the soil's fertility, the ecosystems services which they perform, the possibility of new pharmaceutical products, and the problems associated with disease transmission. Soil ecosystems are rich, diverse and vital to life and society.

Speakers to include:

What Future for our Farming Systems? Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions

Farming systems across Scotland, the UK and Europe can vary markedly from place to place. A range of factors can influence what types of production are practiced in any one place. However, climate and soil type are especially important in dictating the type and intensity of management that is possible.

Fruit Futures Festive Fun

An evening celebrating all things fruitful this Christmas. A great way to meet other orchard related projects in your area as well as an opportunity to treat yourself and volunteers to mulled apple juice, apple related Christmas crafts and festive fruity food.

It would be wonderful if everyone could please bring along some food to share and discuss Christmas recipes to make with your fruit. If you are unable to we would still love you to come of course!

To book please email emma@forthenvironmentlink.org.

Feeding silage to pigs: a taster session

A pork tasting morning session to compare the taste of pork from pigs that have been fed a standard ration compared to pigs fed on an alternative ration containing silage.  

Does an alternative ration affect taste?  

Free of charge to farmers and land managers & £40.00 plus VAT to others.

For further information or to book a place call David on 07718 570 946 or email dmichie@soilassociation.org

Environmental Co-operation Action Fund - Workshop Events

The Scottish Government is hosting a series of workshops to discuss the Environmental Co-operation Action Fund and to answer questions about the scheme. This will include general queries and, for those thinking about applying, questions on eligibility, priorities, and project proposals with a view to encouraging high quality applications.

The Environmental Co-operation Action Fund is a new £10 million scheme within the 2014-20 Scottish Rural Development Programme. The first application round opened on 6 October 2015 and will close on 15 January 2016.
