Edinburgh City Council

Feeding silage to pigs: a taster session

A pork tasting morning session to compare the taste of pork from pigs that have been fed a standard ration compared to pigs fed on an alternative ration containing silage.  

Does an alternative ration affect taste?  

Free of charge to farmers and land managers & £40.00 plus VAT to others.

For further information or to book a place call David on 07718 570 946 or email dmichie@soilassociation.org

Environmental Co-operation Action Fund - Workshop Events

The Scottish Government is hosting a series of workshops to discuss the Environmental Co-operation Action Fund and to answer questions about the scheme. This will include general queries and, for those thinking about applying, questions on eligibility, priorities, and project proposals with a view to encouraging high quality applications.

The Environmental Co-operation Action Fund is a new £10 million scheme within the 2014-20 Scottish Rural Development Programme. The first application round opened on 6 October 2015 and will close on 15 January 2016.
