Learning and skills

Digital Tourism Scotland - Free Awareness Session

Two FREE sessions ideal for any tourism related business interested in growing their business online by improving current channels & trying out new ones. These sessions include:

Getting Greener Grass

Tuesday 26th February, Jurys Inn, Inverness, 10am–1pm, including lunch book here

Tuesday 26th February, Thainstone Agricultural Centre, Inverurie, 7–10pm – book here

How to Plant Trees on Your Farm

A practical day event exploring the benefits of planting and managing trees on your land, including the chance to have a go at planting. Includes:

  • Visit to Tulluch Tea croft (225) to look at planting trees and hedges for better land management
  • Visit to Migdale Woods to find out how to get more out of the trees you have
  • Hands-on planting demonstration
  • Funding information from Forestry Commission Scotland and the Woodland Trust Scotland

Healthy Land, Healthy People, Healthy Profits

Come along to hear Canadian farmer and educator Tony McQuail explain how this ‘whole farm’ approach to management made his business more productive and profitable, whilst helping the family feel that the farm was 'working for them'. He will explain key Holistic Management principles such as goal-setting, decision-making, planned grazing, infrastructure planning and soil monitoring. He will share how they impacted on his own family satisfaction, farm sustainability and planning for succession.​

Making Woodland Work for You: creation and funding

Supported by Central Scotland Green Network Trust

A practical event looking at the benefits of woodland creation and how to fund it, as well as how to manage existing woodland.

Sheep and beef farmer Andrew Barbour of Mains of Fincastle, Pitlochry, will be talking about his experience of planting trees.

Other speakers are from Forestry Commission Scotland, Woodland Trust, Scottish Woodlands and SRUC.

Come along to discover what trees can do for your farm business.

Free to farmers, foresters and land managers.

Building Ideas With Data - LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop

With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® we build, we share, we learn.

Building Ideas With Data will explore how we can think creatively with data to tell stories about our work, our impact and our vision.

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) Method is based on a set of fundamental beliefs about leadership and organisations. People naturally want to contribute, be part of something bigger and take ownership of ideas. All too often, leaders leave knowledge untapped in their teams but allowing each team member to contribute and
speak out results in more sustainable business.

The Scottish Rural Network (SRN) recently hosted a visit from a group of Estonian farmers and academics which saw them visiting projects and businesses across western and central Scotland, including Mull.

The SRN put together a programme of visits for the group based on their interests, predominantly sheep farming and slaughterhouses, as the group are in the process of setting up an abattoir on the Estonian island of Muhu.

New Entrants to Farming: Farm Diversification, Marketing & Adding Value (Angus)

The next instalment of the Angus New Entrants group will be a workshop based on diversfificaion within a farm business.  With margins tight on farm it is an ideal time to think about other options for diversifying that will work alongside the main business.  This meeting is aimed at new entrants to farming who would like to know about where to start if considering diversification or how to develop an idea into a product.
