
‘What is the Scottish Rural Development Programme?’

That was the question the Scottish Rural Network was trying to answer for a busy tent of guests on Thursday at this year’s Royal Highland Show.

Multifunctional Forests Workshop – Deadline 24 June 2016

Are you a farmer, forester, advisor, academic or entrepreneur with experience and interest in innovative forestry products, services and supply chains?

If so, EIP-AGRI are looking for participants for a workshop to be held in Austria. 

The workshop will primarily focus on non-wood products and will showcase high potential, innovative value chains that are currently underutilised such as resin derivatives, textile fibres and recreational services.

Rural Networking Breakfast

It’s June! And that can only mean one thing – it’s royal highland showtime! We know that living and working in rural Scotland can be hungry and thirsty work though – so come and join the Scottish Rural Network on Thursday morning for a free breakfast roll and a coffee to keep you going! While you’re there you’ll have a chance to meet the team and:

Know a farmer or farm business that deserves recognition? Enter or make a nomination for the British Farming Awards 2016 by 15 July.

Now in its fourth year, the awards recognise the hard work, innovation and determination of farming and showcase the achievements of farmers working in the UK agricultural industry.

A report has been published looking at options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Scottish farms.

The ClimateXchange report considers 20 options to reduce emissions including changes in management of fertiliser, soil and manure, livestock feeding and energy use.

Some of these changes require an investment in new tools, equipment or other installations on farm.

The Amsterdam Rural Forum and National Rural Networks meeting brought delegates from across Europe to Amsterdam on 11 and 12 May for presentations, workshops, performances and even milk tasting!

This inspiring event was a chance to hear about innovative rural development projects making use of the arts and to reflect on how we, at National Rural Network Support Units, can be more creative in our work.

The Scottish Rural Parliament are holding events across the country to help them create a Manifesto for Rural Scotland.

Ann-Marie Meikle and Don Morrison from the Scottish Rural Network Support Unit attended events in Inverclyde on 4 May and Newtonmore on 17 May to find out more.

A new brochure highlighting innovative projects from across Europe is now available.

Share your views about the European Innovation Partnership 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' (EIP-AGRI) in a short online survey.

The agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) works to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry that 'achieves more and better from less'. It was launched in 2012 by the European Commission.

The deadline for applications to the Beef Efficiency Scheme has been extended until 15 June 2016.

A deadline extension has been announced by the new Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing, for the Beef Efficiency Scheme (BES), meaning farmers now have until 15 June 2016 to apply for a share of up to £45 million beef sector support scheme.

The previous deadline for applications was Tuesday 31 May.
