Community Led Local Development support for Health and Wellbeing

Community Led Local Development support for Health and Wellbeing

Name of organisation/business: 
Unst Boating Club, Neuro Hebrides and Wild Things
Community Led Local Development
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority: 
Supporting rural communities



Good health and wellbeing are key to sustainable and resilient rural and island communities. 

'Community Led Local Development' or 'CLLD' gives local communities the power to tackle their own, local challenges, including innitiatives to address health and wellbeing.

This case study film features three community groups from across rural and island Scotland who are delivering health and wellbeing solutions for their communities. It demonstrates how each group has managed to support development of their projects utilising a range of support, including CLLD funding (part of the Scottish Government’s Rural Development Programme).

  • Unst Boating Club received £67,000 in CLLD funding to make structural improvements to their club house, which benefitted the wider community and visitors.
  • Neuro Hebrides received £8,751 in CLLD funding to purchase two beach wheelchairs
  • Wild Things in Moray received £40,329 in CLLD funding towards the cost of a new accessible minibus and support vehicle

This case study is the third in a series of case studies focusing on community led local development and community capacity building across rural and island Scotland.