Buzzing About Grassland
Species rich grassland meadows are an important part of our farming landscape, providing habitats for birds, pollinators, and areas of nutritionally low fodder to manage sheep condition on.
How can we better utilise these areas within our farming systems - and what revenue is available for managing these areas through AECS?
Grazing expert Michael Blanche will take us through the grazing systems, detailing how we can make the most of the grass that we have, before moving outside into the fields to look at different types of grassland and how they can be managed.
Speakers include: Michael Blanche, Davie Black (Plantlife), Katy Malone (Bumblebee Conservation Trust), Alison Searl (RSPB) and Sarah Allison (Soil Association Scotland)
The meeting will be followed by soup and sandwiches.
Free of charge to farmers, foresters and land managers and £40 + VAT to others. Book online, call Jane on 0131 666 2474, or email
Funding is provided through The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in partnership with the Scottish Government, Scottish Water, and RSPB Scotland.