Blade Shearing for Beginners

Friday 27 July 2018 - 10:00 to 15:00

Nr Ullapool, Wester Ross

Scottish Crofting Federation

Contact Ailsa on for more details
This course is aimed at beginners who are looking to shear their own sheep with hand shears. The course will cover:
- Learning what is meant by the “rise” of wool and the best time to clip sheep: hogs, tups and in-milk ewes
- Seeing how a catching pen is set up and learning about the importance of having a good handling area with suitable surfaces for shearing on and wrapping fleece
- Learning how to catch and cope a sheep safely to get it into the correct position for shearing
- Learning how to use blade shears safely and how to sharpen them
- Watching the tutors demo how to clip a sheep using hand blades
- Have a go at restraining a sheep for shearing and shearing a sheep yourself – each participant is guaranteed 2 goes
- Learning how to wrap fleece and packing it into bags
Please bring warm clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty, steel toe capped boots and a packed lunch. Suitable for all 16yrs and over, if you are not sure about shearing a sheep yourself observers are most welcome too.

£40 per person